Waiting For Next: Video On Demand

Waiting For Next: Video On Demand
Runs Jun 9Jul 4, 2022
Written by:Jeffrey Lo
Directed by:Leslie Martinson
Supported by:Executive Producer Lauren Doyle & Executive Producer Toggle Hagan (Man’s Best Friend)
Season supported by:Season Producers Nancy B. Coleman & Paul M. Resch

With video tickets, you can watch the show any time through July 4. Waiting for Next was performed live and in person on the City Lights mainstage through June 19, to delighted audiences!

Why you should watch Waiting For Next

Because this beautiful play is finally getting its world premiere!
Because you don’t often see a play about male friendship with such honesty and heart.
Because playwright Jeffrey Lo wrote this play just for actors Wes Gabrillo and Max Tachis, and it shows in every perfectly natural scene.
Because oh my goodness it’s about time that Max (The Merchant of Venice, Ideation, Frankenstein, Handle With Care…) got back on our stage. We missed you, buddy!
Because we’re super-excited to welcome both Wes and Max back after an early reading of Waiting For Next a few years back. Even when this play was in its early stages, we knew it would be a keeper. Just like friendship.


Frank is in a school parking lot waiting for his parents (like he always is) when he meets Marcus, who is also waiting (like he always is). What comes next is a friendship that defines both of their lives. This world-premiere play follows the boys from ages 12 to 40 as they grow up and apart and together again, supporting each other through school, relationships, and some of the darkest and brightest places life can take us.


[image: Wes Gabrillo and Max Tachis in prom tuxes]
Frank (Wes Gabrillo) and Marcus (Max Tachis).

Photos and other resources

Details and special events

We would rate Waiting for Next PG-13 for some language and adult themes. Performances are about 90 minutes, with no intermission.

Nonprofit partner:
We are honored to support the fine work of Recovery Café San Jose, a healing community for those traumatized by addiction, homelessness, and mental health challenges. Recovery Café San Jose is founded on the belief that every human being is precious, worthy of love and deserving of the opportunities to fulfill his or her potential. In this loving community people who cannot afford long-term recovery services come to belong, heal and know themselves as loved.

In this sanctuary from the streets, the Café helps participants develop tools and access other community resources for stabilizing recovery. Meaningful daily activities and a positive community are powerful forces that help break the patterns and challenges of addiction, mental health challenges, and homelessness.

View the full gallery of photos by Christian Pizzirani.
