Giving Options

There are many ways to support City Lights, from making an online donation to giving while you shop, or including the theater in your plans. Whatever you do, we love you.

Monetary donations to City Lights

[image: James Lewis and Melinda Marks smiling over a Christmas gift]
James Lewis & Melinda Marks in “Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley” (2017). Photo by Steve DiBartolomeo.
Did you know ticket sales cover only a portion of expenses for most arts nonprofits?

Cash donations in any amount are appreciated, with gifts of $100 and above especially meaningful. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Give by phone at 408-295-4200; text your amount to 833-920-3003; or send mail to P.O. Box 720640, San Jose, CA 95172. Our tax ID is #77-0014788. Or, make an easy and secure online donation.

Want to make a regular gift? When you join our monthly donation program, your gift will be automatically charged to your credit card, providing key support for our ongoing expenses. You can choose this option when you donate online, or call us for more details.

Donate Now Online

Sponsor a show, donate goods & services

  • Sponsor a production: Would you like to see your company or family name in lights? Contact us to hear about our sponsorship opportunities, which offer valuable benefits that result in a powerful return on your investment.
  • Donate goods or services: In-kind donations form a significant portion of City Lights’ budget. Our wish list includes office supplies and equipment, power tools, hospitality and cleaning services, and raffle/auction items for fundraisers. Contact us to learn more.
  • Donate your automobile: Tired of bumping into that clunker in the garage? Consider donating your used car to City Lights. We can also accept motorcycles, RVs, boats, and even aircraft. After donation, the item is auctioned off and you can claim the gross sales proceeds as a tax deduction. All proceeds will directly benefit City Lights. Donate through Donate for Charity. 

Include us in your plans

Your trusty financial advisor will be a star at helping you donate stock, insurance or a portion of your IRA fund to City Lights, establishing a bequest or legacy, or supporting the company in another way.

Donate stock, bonds or mutual funds and avoid paying gains tax on appreciated assets. Contact your broker to make a donation. Our account information is:

UBS Financial Services, Inc.
DTC Clearing #: 0221.
Account Name: City Lights Theater Company of San Jose
Account #: SJ2178591
Once the gift has been made, please notify us.

Our UBS contact is:
Lisa Carbajal
355 Santana Row,
San Jose, 95128

Thank you for your generosity!

Give while you shop

You were going to buy that gift card anyway. Why not support the arts at the same time?

  • Use Pinuta when buying gift cards and a portion goes to City Lights.

Corporate grants & matching gifts

Is your company one of the generous organizations that aids nonprofits? Lucky you. Here’s how to get involved.

  • Make an impact with corporate grants. Many companies have foundations or community programs that give grants to nonprofits only on an employee referral. Check with your community-affairs officer to see if such an opportunity exists—we’re happy to help you submit the applicationQ
  • Double your donation with corporate matching gifts. If your company has a matching program, your donation can be doubly helpful. Ask your company’s human-resources or community-relations manager if the company matches employee donations and whether a form is required.

Companies we have received matches from:

Adobe Employee Matching Program
Ameriprise Giving Program
Apple Matching Gifts Fund
Applied Materials Matching
Blackrock Matching Gift Program
David & Lucile Packard Foundation Matching Gifts
eBay Foundation
Google Gifts Matching Program
Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
Hewlett Packard Volunteer Match
IBM Matching Gifts Program

Many thanks for supporting live theater.

Many thanks to these generous supporters of City Lights:
