The Zoom’s Afoot

[image: A tall man in a dapper fedora and velour suit helps a stylish woman in a black dress out of a long green 1930s Packard automobile]
The Zoom’s Afoot
Dec 6, 2023

Sign up by “buying” a free ticket

A Zoom talkback with director Mark Anderson Phillips and members of the Game’s Afoot cast.

If you thought our hilarious whodunit Ken Ludwig’s The Game’s Afoot; Or Holmes for the Holidays was a ton of fun onstage, wait until you hear the artists’ backstage stories! Join director Mark Anderson Phillips and members of the cast for a lighthearted Zoom talkback at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 6.

Everyone at City Lights has been excited to present this show ever since we all read the script last year and couldn’t stop laughing — and imagining our favorite actors in the roles. Now we’ve got a top-notch cast, beautiful period costumes that transport you back to the 1930s, and a set that’s full of surprises. (Come to the Zoom to hear about how we made them happen!)

Hosted by City Lights’ Rebecca Wallace, our Zoom talkbacks are free and part of our streaming series The Next Stage. To sign up, just “buy” a free ticket. We’ll send you the Zoom link.

The Game’s Afoot is supported by Producer Charlie McCollum and Producer Clint Moore, and by Season Producers Nancy B. Coleman & Paul M. Resch. Clint also kindly lent us the beautiful period Packard automobile that we’ve been using in our publicity photos. Pictured here with the Packard: actors Felix Geisel (Tom Gough) and Madge Geisel (Naomi Evans), photographed by Christian Pizzirani.
