Backstage at Vietgone

[image: Vietgone actor Jomar Tagatac with a random chicken during a photo shoot]
Free Zoom talkback
Backstage at Vietgone
Mar 30, 2022

In his audacious comedy Vietgone, playwright Qui Nguyen spun a story of Vietnamese immigrants in 1970s America: loving, leaving, road-tripping and discovering — all powered by modern hip-hop. How did we create this world on the City Lights stage?

On Wednesday, March 30, at 7 p.m., join us on Zoom for a free backstage discussion about the show. Actors Jomar Tagatac, Amanda Le Nguyen, Tasi Alabastro and Vivienne Truong will tell us about the many roles they play. (With this script, they’ve got to have quite a range.) It’s all part of City Lights’ monthly streaming & video series The Next Stage.

We’ll also talk with director Jeffrey Lo, who is himself a playwright. After Vietgone closes on the City Lights stage in April, next up in May is Jeffrey’s play Waiting For Next, a winning story about two lifelong friends navigating the bad and the good.

This event is free. Just “buy” a free ticket through the event calendar on this page, and we’ll send you the Zoom link.

Pictured: Actor Jomar Tagatac making friends with a chicken during a publicity photo shoot. Photo by Christian Pizzirani.
