Backstage with the “Vietgone” team

In his audacious comedy Vietgone, playwright Qui Nguyen spun a story of Vietnamese immigrants in 1970s America: loving, leaving, road-tripping and discovering — all powered by modern hip-hop. How did we create this world on the City Lights stage?

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, we dove deep into the show during a free Zoom talkback. Actors Jomar Tagatac, Amanda Le Nguyen, Tasi Alabastro and Vivienne Truong told us about the many roles they play. (With this script, they’ve got to have quite a range.) We also talked with director Jeffrey Lo, who is himself a playwright. Also on City Lights’ mainstage during the 2021-22 season is Lo’s play Waiting For Next, a winning story about two lifelong friends navigating the bad and the good.

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